The Advantage For Camping Lantern

2016-06-22 22:32:21  

If you are going to be spending the night in the woods, don’t forget to bring a camping lantern. You have different types to choose from so make the best choice for you.

There are solar, battery, kerosene and candle. Battery operated camping lanterns are perhaps the best of the four because it is safe even for your children to use. But you will need to bring along extra batteries. Next you have the kerosene fueled camping lantern which unlike the battery operated camping lantern can be left running for the whole night. And the candle camping lantern which is the simplest of the four available. It does not only provide you light but it can also act as an as an insect repellent and depending on the type of candle you have, it is possible to have light for up to 9 hours before this has to be replaced with a new one. Then you have the solar camping lanternwhich you can power by daylight. So make sure you choose the right for your camping trip.